


Many, many grassroots organisations

This event is organ­ised by the ini­ti­at­ive of unem­ployed people BASTA! in cooper­a­tion with the CoS team at Prin­zenallee 58/ Wed­ding on 17 Novem­ber 2023 from 8 pm to 10 pm. You are also wel­come to come for din­ner from half past six.

How can pre­cari­ously employed, unem­ployed, poor, home­less & migrant people organ­ize in our crisis-rid­den times? Four grass­roots groups from cit­ies in the Global North will report on their work and exchange per­spect­ives. They ask about pos­sible alli­ances and share their insights into the impos­i­tions of racial cap­it­al­ism today. The mis­sion of the Los Angeles Com­munity Action Net­work (LA CAN) is to help people deal­ing with poverty and house­less­ness cre­ate & dis­cover oppor­tun­it­ies, while serving as a vehicle to ensure we have voice, power & opin­ion in the decisions that are dir­ectly affect­ing us. The Ber­lin unem­ployed ini­ti­at­ive BASTA! opens an advice café sev­eral times a week and runs cam­paigns and train­ing courses to stand together in solid­ar­ity against the viol­ence of job centres, immig­ra­tion author­it­ies and child bene­fit offices. Arbeitslo­senselb­sthilfe Olden­burg (ALSO) provides inde­pend­ent and free social coun­selling, has its own office and advises pre­cari­ous work­ers in the meat industry, among oth­ers. Pro­ject Shel­ter is a group of people with and without a his­tory of flight or migra­tion that works to fight for and pro­tect the rights of home­less people in Frankfurt/Main and to guar­an­tee that their needs are met.

The event takes place as part of the kick-off work­shop of the DFG Emmy Noether Junior Research Group „Con­front­a­tions about ‚the social’ — Towards a move­ment-based eth­no­graphic social (state) regime analysis”.

Lan­guage: Eng­lish and Ger­man — sim­ul­tan­eous trans­la­tion will be provided through head­phones. The venue is access­ible via a ramp and there is a bar­rier-free toilette.

We are look­ing for­ward to see­ing you!

Berlin  Map