About the Project

Contestations of the ›Social‹

„Con­test­a­tions of ‚the Social’ — Towards a Move­ment-Based Eth­no­graphic Social (State) Regime Ana­lysis” is a research pro­ject that exam­ines the ongo­ing trans­form­a­tions of social secur­ity sys­tems in cit­ies of the Global North. In col­lab­or­a­tion with mul­ti­lin­gual com­munity organ­iz­a­tions of pre­cari­ously employed and unem­ployed indi­vidu­als, we invest­ig­ate socio-polit­ical con­flicts within the crisis-rid­den every­day life of today’s migra­tion and labor society.

The first pro­ject phase (2022–2026) takes place in Ber­lin, Olden­burg and Frank­furt (Main). A second phase (2026–2028) will extend the per­spect­ive to the UK and the USA.

Our Emmy Noether Junior Research Group is based at the Insti­tute for Empir­ical Cul­tural Stud­ies and European Eth­no­logy at Lud­wig-Max­imili­ans-Uni­versität München and is fun­ded by the Ger­man Research Foundation.