
The research group leader Dr. Lisa Ried­ner works with the unem­ployed ini­ti­at­ive BASTA! in Ber­lin. Her interests include dis­putes about wel­fare fraud and fam­ily val­ues. A. Valentina Moraru deals with migra­tion, mor­al­ity and dif­fer­en­ti­ation pro­cesses in the con­text of pre­cari­ous labor mar­kets in Olden­burg. Her pro­ject part­ner is Arbeitslo­senselb­sthilfe Olden­burg, also known as ALSO. Tim Herbold focuses on the inter­ac­tions between migrants, grass­roots organ­iz­a­tions, pub­lic insti­tu­tions and local politi­cians. He works together with Pro­ject Shel­ter in Frank­furt am Main.

About Basta

BASTA! is made by unem­ployed people, low-income employ­ees and stu­dents with little money. Sev­eral times a week, BASTA! opens an advice café on issues related to the ‚Citizen’s Income’ (Bür­gergeld) and runs cam­paigns and train­ing courses. BASTA! accom­pan­ies people to the job cen­ter and to the social court. BASTA! is con­vinced that only together can a place be cre­ated where people can organ­ize them­selves against the impos­i­tions of every­day life at the job cen­ter and on the labour mar­ket. In this sense, BASTA! is a long-term polit­ical pro­ject for a bet­ter world. The group mainly speaks Eng­lish, Italian, Greek and Ger­man.
More info:

About ALSO

Arbeitslo­senselb­sthilfe Olden­burg (ALSO) is one of the old­est inde­pend­ent ini­ti­at­ives for the unem­ployed in Ger­many. It has been work­ing since the 80s, coun­sel­ing people who have to deal with vari­ous author­it­ies and try­ing to cre­ate a place of com­munity. ALSO car­ries out these activ­it­ies in sev­eral lan­guages and in sev­eral loc­a­tions in the Olden­burg area. The aims of the ini­ti­at­ive include sup­port­ing people, trans­lat­ing offi­cial Ger­man and mak­ing it under­stand­able, and remind­ing the author­it­ies of legal bound­ar­ies. The top­ics of the con­sulta­tions are diverse, from school and edu­ca­tion, to med­ical issues and child bene­fits, labor dis­putes and dis­crim­in­a­tion. At the same time, ALSO sees con­sulta­tion as just one pil­lar of its polit­ical work. All of the initiative’s plen­ar­ies are open to the pub­lic, and every Fri­day there is a joint break­fast at the ALSO cen­ter. There are also joint calls for polit­ical action.
More info:

About Project Shelter

Project.Shelter is part of a polit­ical move­ment that cam­paigns for more solid­ar­ity and par­ti­cip­a­tion for all city res­id­ents. We are a group of people with and without a his­tory of flight or migra­tion who work in a grass­roots demo­cratic way to fight for and pro­tect the rights of home­less migrants and refugees in Frankfurt/Main — and to guar­an­tee that their needs are met. First and fore­most, this includes find­ing hous­ing, but also provid­ing tick­ets for pub­lic trans­port and bicycles, fin­an­cing food, med­ical care and cloth­ing, as well as lan­guage sup­port and trans­la­tions for offi­cial mat­ters. Last but not least, the pro­ject offers a con­tact point for social­iz­ing, mutual exchange and joint activ­it­ies for par­ti­cipants and inter­ested parties. It enables migrants and oth­ers to organ­ize them­selves, develop com­mon demands and com­mu­nic­ate these to the out­side world in the form of actions and demon­stra­tions. In this way, hier­arch­ies between people with priv­ileges and those who are dis­ad­vant­aged by vir­tue of their iden­tity papers can be recog­nized and dis­mantled.
More inform­a­tion: